Get Involved

Share Your Story

Between 2008 and 2017, nearly 89% of car crashes in Utah were a result of wildlife vehicle collisions. These collisions result in death, injury, and approximately $138 million annually in property damage. If you have a story of how wildlife vehicle collisions impacted you, please share it with us today.

Antelope standing on the road side


Community involvement is crucial to ensuring wildlife crossings and other mitigation measures are funded and installed in Utah’s wildlife collision hotspots. We provide information about how to coexist with wildlife.  We work with individuals to set up in-home or online meetings to discuss the benefits of wildlife mitigation measures and how to advocate for them. 

Large buck crossing the road

Report Collision Data and compromises in existing wildlife connectivity components

Over 1,000,000 vertebrates die on U.S. roads everyday. Unfortunately, not all wildlife deaths are counted. Collision data is vital as it helps state agencies determine where wildlife mitigation measures are needed. If you are aware of any wildlife deaths resulting from a collision, please report them here.  If you notice any breaks in wildlife fencing or broken cattle guards, please let us know.

Large buffalo walking in the street

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